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Kate Winslet has opened the floodgates. Literally - The Telegraph

As a pre and postnatal exercise specialist I am on a daily basis talking about and doing pelvic floor exercises. Most of my clients have issues with their pelvic floor, some minor issues that they recover from fairly quickly but around 40% in my classes are referred to us or we send to their GP with suspected prolapses. I set up my business because there just wasn’t enough info around subjects like this and I wanted to provide women with an intelligent and straight talking approach where they can feel comfortable talking about it and most importantly feel empowered.

I have also been on many training courses where the approach on talking about and teaching pelvic floor exercise is so outdated it is enough to make you want to cross your legs and run out of the room sideways.

So thank you Kate Winslet for opening up the subject. I was asked to comment by the lovely mum and journalist Cathy Bussey.To read the full article click here

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